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June 09, 2014

Thompson Statement on the Chemical Facility Safety and Security Working Group Report

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on the report released by the President's Chemical Facility Safety and Security Working Group:

The West Fertilizer chemical explosions last April sent shockwaves through all levels of government about the risks posed by facilities in our communities. We now know that when it comes to the chemical sector, there are some potentially-deadly regulatory gaps that demand action. The report released by the President's Chemical Facility Safety and Security Working Group sets the stage for such action. I am particularly pleased that among the ten priority action areas that the Working Group identified within chemical facility safety and security policy and regulations that warrant modernization were enhancement of ammonium nitrate safety and security, promotion of safer technology and alternatives, and building a stronger CFATS program. In the days and months ahead, Congress and the American people will be closely watching for progress on these key priority areas.

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